Building Portraits

I welcome commissions of houses and other buildings (shops, restaurants, cafes, landmarks…).

A drawing can capture the character of a building in a way which a photograph cannot, and I love the challenge of bringing it to life on paper. The front of a building can say a lot about the people behind its walls, and this personality is what I seek to explore in my pieces.

I base my pricing on both the size of the piece and the level of detail involved, but in general:

A5: £90 - £110

A4: £160 - £200

A3: £275 - £350

I see the process as a collaborative one and am more than happy to discuss any extra details or touches which would make the piece more special and personal. I work mainly in watercolour and fineline pen but am happy to consider alternatives if appropriate.

If you are interested in a commission or would like more information, please contact me here.

The Process

  • Sketch

    It all begins with a simple sketch where I get to know the house.

  • Line

    Next comes a more accurate and detailed line drawing.

  • Colour

    Finally the colour is added and the building comes to life
